Published and Accepted Work
"Community Engagement with Law Enforcement after High-profile Acts of Police Violence" (with Desmond Ang, Panka Bencsik, and Ellora Derenoncourt)
Forthcoming at the American Economic Review: Insights. [Click here for ungated version]
"The Effect of Combat Deployments on Veterans' Outcomes" (with Kyle Greenberg, Matthew Gudgeon, Evan Rose, and Yotam Shem-Tov)
Journal of Political Economy (2024) [Click here for ungated version]
"Regulatory Arbitrage in Teacher Hiring and Retention: Evidence from Massachusetts Charter Schools" (with Scott Imberman and Marcus Winters)
Journal of Public Economics (2022) [Click here for ungated version]
"Professional Development at Scale: The Causal Effect of Obtaining an SEI Endorsement Under Massachusetts' RETELL Initiative" (with Nathan Jones, Yasuko Kanno, and Marcus Winters)
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis (2022) [Click here for ungated version]
Working Papers
"Gender Composition and Group Behavior: Evidence from US City Councils" (with Emilia Brito, Thea How-Choon and Anna Weber) [Updated August 2024]
"The Consequences of Sorting for Measuring Educational Quality" [Updated May 2023, previously titled "The Consequences of Sorting for Understanding School Quality"]
Revise and resubmit at the American Economic Journal: Applied
"Who Benefits from Remote Schooling? Self Selection and Match Effects" (with Christopher Campos and Eric Chyn) [Updated July 2023]
"Competition in the Black Market: Estimating the Causal Effect of Gangs in Chicago" [Updated March 2021, Gang Map Data] (Previously titled: "The Geography of Gang Violence")
"Crime and Public Housing: A General Equilibrium Analysis" [Updated January 2018, online appendix]
Works in Progress
"Path Dependence in the Labor Market: the Long-run Effects of Early Career Occupational Experience" (with Jake Fabian, Luke Gallagher, Matthew Gudgeon, Adam Isen, and Aaron Phipps) [Draft available upon request]
Other Writing
"Lottery Evidence on the Impact of Preschool in the United States" (with Emily Emick) [Updated November 2023]