Published and Accepted Work

"Community Engagement with Law Enforcement after High-profile Acts of Police Violence" (with Desmond Ang, Panka Bencsik, and Ellora Derenoncourt) 

"The Effect of Combat Deployments on Veterans' Outcomes" (with  Kyle Greenberg, Matthew Gudgeon, Evan Rose, and Yotam Shem-Tov)

"Regulatory Arbitrage in Teacher Hiring and Retention: Evidence from Massachusetts Charter Schools" (with Scott Imberman and Marcus Winters)  

"Professional Development at Scale: The Causal Effect of Obtaining an SEI Endorsement Under Massachusetts' RETELL Initiative" (with Nathan Jones, Yasuko Kanno, and Marcus Winters)

Working Papers


"Gender Composition and Group Behavior: Evidence from US City Councils" (with Emilia Brito, Thea How-Choon and Anna Weber) [Updated August 2024] 

"The Consequences of Sorting for Measuring Educational Quality" [Updated May 2023, previously titled "The Consequences of Sorting for Understanding School Quality"] 

"Who Benefits from Remote Schooling? Self Selection and Match Effects" (with Christopher Campos and Eric Chyn) [Updated July 2023]

"Competition in the Black Market: Estimating the Causal Effect of Gangs in Chicago" [Updated March 2021, Gang Map Data] (Previously titled: "The Geography of Gang Violence")

"Crime and Public Housing: A General Equilibrium Analysis" [Updated January 2018, online appendix]

Works in Progress

"Path Dependence in the Labor Market: the Long-run Effects of Early Career Occupational Experience" (with Jake Fabian, Luke Gallagher, Matthew Gudgeon, Adam Isen, and Aaron Phipps) [Draft available upon request]

Other Writing

"Lottery Evidence on the Impact of Preschool in the United States" (with Emily Emick) [Updated November 2023]